Demystifying Democracy Series: Sunshine Week - How Public Records Shed Light on State and Local Government in Rhode Island

Start: Saturday, March 16, 202410:30 AM

End: Saturday, March 16, 202412:00 PM

Public records are one of the key tools journalists use to shed light on state and local government in Rhode Island. Hear from working journalists who use Rhode Island’s public records law daily to tell important stories and hold our government accountable. Learn the good - and bad - of public records law in Rhode Island.

This event is part of Common Cause Rhode Island's Demystifying Democracy educational series and is brought to you by ACCESS/RI, the state's freedom of information coalition. The event is free and open to the public. Spanish-language translation will be available.

This event is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cranston Public Library.

Los registros públicos son una de las herramientas claves que los periodistas usan para echar la luz en el gobierno a nivel estatal y de localidad en Rhode Island. Escuche a periodistas en activo que utilizan la ley de registros públicos para contar historias importantes y rendir cuentas a nuestro gobierno. Aprende el bueno — y el malo — de la ley de registros públicos en Rhode Island.

Este evento es parte de la serie educativa de Common Cause Rhode Island, “Desmitificando la Democracia,” y es presentada por ACCESS/RI, la coalición de libertad de información del estado. El evento es gratuito y abierto al público. Habrá traducción al español disponible. Este evento no está respaldado o afiliado a la Biblioteca Pública de Cranston.