ADD MY NAME: Trump must be disqualified in 2024

After the Civil War, we wrote into our Constitution that office holders who had "engaged in insurrection" against the United States should never be allowed to hold office again.

Can you imagine a more clear-cut modern example than what Donald Trump did after he lost in 2020? What else can you call sending an armed mob to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power?

A Denver district court agreed with us on all of those facts earlier this month -- but ruled that this part of the 14th Amendment shouldn't apply to the presidency.

But we saw firsthand how dangerous it is when a President is willing to do *anything* to hang onto power. At Common Cause, we believe nobody is above the law, especially not a former president.

That's why we're asking you to sign your name onto our effort to finally hold Trump accountable. If you agree Donald Trump should be disqualified from the Colorado ballot in 2024, will you add your name today?

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