Common Cause New York August Primary Election Protection Interest Form

During June’s primary, we saw an alarming drop in New York voter participation compared to the last midterm primary four years ago, and we at Common Cause New York worry that the trend will continue downward for August’s primary if we do not take action.

That is why we’re putting together a comprehensive voter outreach program to help New Yorkers know their options to vote or get to the polls this August election day. We need your help to make sure these programs are successful and reach as many voters as possible.

Sign up for one of our August Primary election protections programs – we have options for social media monitoring, bike/car rovers during early voting and election day, and phonebanks! Let us know you’re interested in helping New Yorkers vote in the primary by signing up today!

As you will see on the form, we have training options that you must sign up for in tandem with each of the programs that you are interested in (we are currently holding no more trainings for bike/car rovers, and Social Media Monitors) but we will go over personal options if you sign up on how to get trained). After you pick a training date, we will register you ourselves for the training using the information you provide us on this form and you will receive a confirmation email before the event with the Zoom information.

Please note – we are only looking for volunteer car/bike rovers in certain congressional districts: CD 10,11 & 12 in NYC and CDs 17, 22, 23, 24. We are also looking for additional coverage in parts of Queens for the new SD 59 (Astoria and Long Island City in Queens, Greenpoint in Brooklyn and parts of Midtown East in Manhattan) and parts of Brooklyn for SD 21 (parts of Central Brooklyn including Park Slope and Flatbush)– if you are outside of those districts, please indicate your interest for social media monitoring or for our phonebanks. Take a look if you’re in the targeted districts.