LOG MY CALL: Speaker Ritter, Pass SB 431!

After a 36 to 0 Senate vote yesterday in favor, Connecticut Speaker of the House Matt Ritter has only today, May 4th, left to call Senate Bill 431: AN ACT CONCERNING REFERENDA, INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES AND CERTAIN OTHER POLITICAL SPENDING, which will ban foreign spending on state ballot measures and protect the November 8, 2022 ballot question on allowing Early Voting from anti-democratic foreign actors.
Call Speaker of the House Matt Ritter at 860-240-8489 and ask him to immediately call SB 431 for a House vote to protect the protect the November 8, 2022 Early Voting ballot question from anti-democratic foreign actors! Then use this form report how your call went >>
You may go to voicemail--if so, it will be for Alex, Legislative Aide to Speaker Matt Ritter. Please leave a message!
Here’s an idea of what to say: Hi, this is [NAME], and I’m calling Speaker Ritter from [TOWN] to urge him to call an immediate House vote on SB 431, which will protect the November 8, 2022 Early Voting ballot question from anti-democratic foreign actors. Today is the last day of legislative session and I am watching. Thank you!