Tell the City Council: Say NO to Inez Dickens

Our elections are sacred – they should be overseen only by people with the proper experience, professionalism, and qualifications to hold voters’ most fundamental right in their hands.

That’s why the City Council should oppose the potential appointment of Inez Dickens – former City Councilmember and Assemblymember – to the NYC Board of Elections.

The Board of Elections positions should not be political patronage positions, and we cannot treat the BOE like a retirement perk for older politicos. Dickens’s tenure in the Democratic Party does not prove her qualified for appointment to the BOE.

While state law gives county parties the ability to nominate new commissioners to their respective seats on the BOE, the City Council can reject nominations whose primary qualification is party affiliation rather than non-partisan election administration experience. Tell your City Council Member to oppose the nomination of Inez Dickens, and to keep our BOE professional by supporting a more voter-centric candidate in her place.

1. Find your City Councilmember's phone number here.

2. Give them a call. If you're not sure what to say, here's a script you can use:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling to urge [COUNCILMEMBER] to oppose the nomination of Inez Dickens to the Board of Elections.

BOE commissioners must have the proper skills, knowledge, and experience to administer elections – not just long-term allegiance to the party nominating them.

As a New York voter and as [COUNCILMEMBER]’s constituent, I’m concerned about Inez Dickens’s lack of qualifications and ask the councilmember to support someone who brings a pro-voter philosophy in her place. Thank you.”

3. Log your call using this form to let us know how it went!