Tell Your Cable Provider to say #NoFoxFee

It’s time to stop Fox News from profiting off of broadcasting election lies! In order to stop Fox News from raising our cable bills, we must demand that our cable companies so #NoFoxFee.

Fox Fee: the cost that cable providers pass on to their customers through increased cable bills to subsidize Fox News overcharging for access to their channels.

What Is Happening: Fox News is meeting with cable companies Charter/ Spectrum, Xfinity/Comcast, and Cox Communications right now to renegotiate their carriage fees.

  • Cable providers pass the cost onto consumers to avoid losing profit. Fox already overcharges by up to 3x the market rate for access to their channels.
  • Fox News is demanding even more to cover their legal fees and loss in advertisers as a result of knowingly broadcasting election lies.
  • Even if you do not watch or support Fox News your cable bill will increase.

What We Can Do: Call our cable providers and tell them that their customers demand that they say no to Fox News' rate increase and that we will not pay more for cable to fund election lies.

Step 1: Have your Account Information Ready

Your cable provider will require you to prove that you are a customer before connecting you to an agent. Have your account information ready and on hand!

Step 2: Call your Cable Provider

These numbers are Toll Free and work 24/7. Call the numbers listed below to increase your chances of reaching someone who can pass your message to those at the negotiating table.

Spectrum/Charter- 1-833-267-6094

Xfinity/Comcast- 1-800-934-6489

Cox Communications- 1-800-234-3993

Step 3: Connect with a Live Agent

Connecting with a live agent is crucial, but also time-consuming because of the automated phone tree. Luckily, we have a trick for speeding up your connection to a live agent!

Repeatedly type “0 #” and listen for prompts asking to prove you are a customer. Keep repeating this process until you are in line to talk to an agent!

Step 4: Make Your Demand politely!

It is important to be as polite as possible while holding firm and demanding action! If you need an idea of what to say, use the script below:

Call Script:

“Hello, my name is ___, and I’m calling to say: Don’t let Fox News raise my bill.

I’ve been a loyal [insert provider] customer, and I’m asking that you reject any demands from Fox for a rate increase. It’s unfair for customers like me to pay more for a channel we don’t watch and don’t support. [insert your personal reason]

Please say NO to the “Fox Fee!”

Allow the agent to respond

“Thank you, how do I know that my request has been received?”

Allow the agent to respond

**If the operator states that there is no complaint line or voicemail for the caller to use “I demand that my concerns are written down and given to the right internal contact.”

“Thank you for your help, I really hope [insert provider] will do the right thing. Have a nice day/evening”

End Call

Step 5: Share Intel

Tell us how your call went using this form in the field that says "Log Your Call Here" - who did you talk to, have they heard anything about the Fox negotiations, was your demand properly

All intel is helpful, even if you were not able to make your demand/ you are not sure if your demand was properly noted!

We need to present a large united front against Fox News and you likely have close friends/ relatives who can also contact these providers! Share this form far and wide to get these cable companies to say No to the Fox Fee

In collaboration with Media Matters For America's No Fox Fee Campaign

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