ADD YOUR NAME: National Popular Vote for Maine!

Governor Janet Mills

For the first time ever, National Popular Vote has passed in both the Maine House and Senate and is now awaiting the Governor’s signature!

Here’s how it works: if enough states require their electors to vote for the winner of the nationwide popular vote (rather than the state “winner-take-all” popular vote), it would fix the problems of the Electoral College without needing to amend the Constitution.

We’re closer than ever to making history and ensuring that every voice counts in our selecting our presidents. But we need your help today to make sure that National Popular Vote is signed into law.

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To: Governor Janet Mills
From: [Your Name]

Gov. Mills, the following Maine voters support National Popular Vote because they understand our nation’s democracy will be strengthened when every vote is equal and the candidate with the most votes is guaranteed to win the Presidency.

Please adhere to Maine’s long history of leadership on voting issues and sign LD1578.