Amplify Young Voices: Tell Congress to pass the Youth Voting Rights Act

U.S. Congress

Image of young voter with the text take a stand for young voters.

Young people are the future of our democracy -- and deserve to have a voice in the policy decisions that affect their lives. It’s time to secure the right to vote for ALL eligible Americans by passing the Youth Voting Rights Act.

This landmark bill would:

  • Expand voter registration on campuses.

  • Let young people in every state pre-register to vote before turning 18.

  • Require colleges & universities to have on-campus polling places.

  • Block state laws meant to suppress the youth vote.

  • Invest in young people’s participation in our democracy.

Young voters deserve more access to voter registration and the resources that will help them understand the importance of voting. The future of our democracy relies on young voters being able to cast their ballot with confidence, knowledge, and ease.

Young people are the voices our democracy needs. Add your name to urge Congress to pass the Youth Voting Rights Act.

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To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

Young voters deserve a voice – and should be able to vote for elected officials who represent their interests. The future of our democracy relies on young people being able to cast their ballot with confidence, knowledge, and ease.

Young people are the voices our democracy needs. Congress must pass the Youth Voting Rights Act.