Call on the Atlanta City Council to issue an official apology for releasing private citizen's information!

Atlanta City Council

Over the last several months we have seen extremely high numbers of public participation in Cop City. People care about what public dollars are being spent on and have called for transparency from the Atlanta City Council time and time again.

But let’s be clear, TRANSPARENCY IS allowing the people to vote on an issue that is just as consequential as it is controversial. TRANSPARENCY IS NOT doxxing private citizens who just want a say in how millions of taxpayer dollars are spent and how our city invests in public safety.

This is retaliation – NOT transparency.

The Atlanta City Council cannot and will not shut down discontent by releasing people’s private information. They are wrong and deserve to be held accountable. Issuing an apology only scratches the surface of what the Atlanta City Council needs to do to right this wrong,
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Washington, DC

To: Atlanta City Council
From: [Your Name]

Dear Atlanta City Council,

All year, people in Atlanta and beyond, have called for transparency on how public dollars are being spent and whether it will make the city safer. TRANSPARENCY IS allowing the people to vote on an issue that is just as consequential as it is controversial. TRANSPARENCY IS NOT doxxing private citizens who just want a say in how millions of taxpayer dollars are spent and how the city invests in public safety.

I am calling on you to issue an official apology to the over 116,000 Georgia citizens whose private information was published online and please understand that issuing an apology only scratches the surface of what needs to be done to right this wrong.