Protect the USPS: Fire Louis DeJoy
USPS Board of Governors
![This graphic features a black and white photo. of Louis DeJoy on the left and text calling for DeJoy to be fired on the right.](
Recently, Louis DeJoy – the GOP mega-donor who was handpicked by Donald Trump to run the Postal Service – announced his plan to phase out 50,000 USPS jobs in the coming years.
Since taking office, DeJoy has done nothing but try to bring the Postal Service to a grinding halt. Ahead of the 2020 election, he helped further Trump’s crusade against vote-by-mail by placing outrageous restrictions on postal workers and removing mailboxes by the truckload.
And even since President Biden took office, DeJoy has continued to gum up USPS operations. Now, on top of raising prices, closing post offices, slowing our mail delivery, and more – DeJoy is planning to drastically shrink the USPS workforce.
Here’s what we can do about it: two pro-DeJoy members of the USPS Board of Governors will soon reach the end of their terms. This is the only body that can fire DeJoy, and if Biden acts quickly to replace these members – and the Senate confirms them – the Board could FINALLY have the momentum it needs to do so.
Add your name if you agree: President Biden and the USPS Board of Governors must act swiftly to ensure that Louis DeJoy is FIRED.
This petition is sponsored by: California Clean Money Action Fund, Civic Shout, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, Coalition on Human Needs, Common Cause, Common Dreams, Daily Kos, DemCastUSA, Free Speech for People, The Juggernaut Project, Progressive Caucus Action Fund, Progressive Reform Network, Promote the Vote PA,, and TakeItBack.Org
USPS Board of Governors
[Your Name]
Since taking office, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has done nothing but gum up USPS operations and try to bring the agency to a grinding halt.
We can't let him continue to sabotage this vital public service. To save the USPS, I urge you to fire Louis DeJoy and replace him immediately.