Take Action: Fair Maps for New Mexico

New Mexico Legislature

For far too long, New Mexico politicians have twisted the process of redrawing our voting maps into a divisive and partisan spectacle.

New Mexicans deserve better. We deserve a fair mapmaking process led by an Independent Redistricting Commission – a nonpartisan group of citizens charged with drawing representative, impartial districts.

If you agree that ALL New Mexicans deserve an equal say in our future, add your name to our petition demanding a strong Independent Redistricting Commission.

To: New Mexico Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Here in New Mexico, our elections should represent the will of the people, not partisan interests. But too often, electoral maps are drawn without enough public input, and don’t represent every community fairly.

Our leaders must take action to create a strong Independent Redistricting Commission so that ALL New Mexicans are represented in our democracy.