Tell Congress: Don't let Trump get away with cutting off aid
U.S. Congress
President Trump is acting like a dictator.
He’s trying to single-handedly gut the government – with a reckless, vague, and unconstitutional order that will derail critical lifelines for Americans in need, including: [1]
Medicaid (reports indicate that reimbursement portals went down in all 50 states) [2]
Food assistance programs like SNAP
Financial aid for students
Housing for homeless veterans
Low-income heating assistance
Cancer research and HIV/AIDS prevention
Right now, journalists and members of Congress alike are scrambling to confirm which of these services are still running, and which are shut down. And most disturbingly, so are the millions of Americans who depend on these programs.
That’s no accident either. Trump has clearly decided to govern by chaos in his second term, consolidate power piece by piece, and gamble with our livelihoods to push the limits of his power. We won’t stand for it.
The good news is, the Constitution is on our side. The Framers gave Congress – NOT the president – the power of the purse to fund what people care about most, like housing, jobs, health, and education.
Plain and simple, Donald Trump doesn’t get to pick and choose where money already granted by Congress goes. But already, Republicans in Congress are showing their willingness to shirk their duty, roll over, and let Trump trample over our checks and balances.
Add your name today to tell Congress: Trump can’t slash funding for programs that millions of Americans depend on. Congress already passed a law appropriating this funding – and must stand up to Trump’s power grab.
U.S. Congress
[Your Name]
Trump's attempts to single-handedly gut the government and cut off much-needed aid for millions of Americans cannot stand.
The Constitution is clear: Congress sets the budget – not the president.
Congress already passed a law appropriating this funding – and must do its job, assert its constitutional authority over funding, and stop this dangerous attack on the healthcare, food assistance, and education programs that millions depend on.