Tell Congress: End shameful double standards in our legal system.

U.S. Congress

Despite his 34 felony convictions, Donald Trump doesn’t have to worry about his eligibility to vote this fall.

He has the wealth, connections, and privilege to ensure his voting rights would never be in question – not to mention a high-powered legal team paid for by his political donors due to gaps in campaign finance laws. [1]

But the 4.4 million ordinary Americans currently disenfranchised by felony convictions aren’t so lucky.

Just look at Trump’s home state of Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis has personally guaranteed that the former president will be able to cast a ballot this fall. [2] In stark contrast, Black Florida residents have been dragged from their homes at gunpoint and arrested for the "crime" of not realizing they were ineligible to vote. [3]

It’s time to end this double standard and ensure NO American is denied their right to vote in federal elections. Add your name to tell Congress: Pass the Inclusive Democracy Act to restore full voting rights to all Americans with felony convictions.


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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

Despite his 34 felony convictions, Donald Trump has the wealth, connections, and privilege to ensure he doesn’t have to worry about his eligibility to vote this fall. But the 4.4 million ordinary Americans currently disenfranchised by felony convictions aren’t so lucky.

Congress must pass the Inclusive Democracy Act to END this double standard and restore full voting rights to all Americans with felony convictions.