Tell Congressman Lawler: Open Your Town Halls to the Press

Representative Mike Lawler

Congressman Mike Lawler represents the Hudson Valley in New York’s 17th Congressional District which includes Rockland County, Putnam County, and portions of Westchester and Duchess Counties.

After facing public pressure, Representative Lawler recently began holding town halls in his district to speak to his constituents. Common Cause New York applauds the Congressman for taking a step toward opening up communication with the public.

However, these town halls have been closed to the media. Representative Lawler’s team have prevented media outlets from recording, taking photos, or asking questions at events. They even make clear in their event advertisements that the press is not welcome to attend.

The press plays a critical role in maintaining communication and transparency between our elected officials and the public. Press presence at Congressional town halls is a standard and necessary bridge between representatives and their constituents.

Congressman Lawler must open his town halls to members of the media.

To: Representative Mike Lawler
From: [Your Name]

There’s nothing more crucial to a healthy democracy than an informed and engaged public. As a bridge between our elected officials and the public, the press plays a critical role in our democracy– keeping constituents apprised of the issues within their community and the decisions made by their representatives.

That’s why I’m joining Common Cause New York in calling upon Congressman Lawler to open his town halls to the media. Concealing tax-funded public meetings from the press conflicts with the First Amendment and the spirit of the New York Open Meetings Law.

Congressional town halls are typically open to coverage by professional media outlets, as was standard practice by Congressman Lawler’s predecessors. As his constituent, I deserve a representative who communicates and governs with transparency. I urge Congressman Lawler to open his town halls to the press.