Tell Hennepin County Officials: We want fair district maps!

Hennepin County Elected Officials

Fair local voting maps protect your right to choose who represents you. After each ten-year U.S. Census, in Minnesota, it's elected officials who draw new voting districts for each level of government. For decades, the process of local redistricting has lacked adequate transparency. Constituents don't understand how the process works and is often not given authentic opportunities to directly influence the process and speak to proposed maps before they are adopted.

Help us make sure people are first, ahead of any other interest in local redistricting. Common Cause MN has partnered with the MN Alliance for Democracy, a nonpartisan, statewide coalition, to make sure all Minnesotans matter. Hennepin County is in the process of drawing our voting district maps for the county -- can we rally again and make sure you are heard? You betcha!  I need your help to make sure they capture and honestly represent all Minnesotans. We expect transparency. We expect to be included in the process and have a say in how they capture communities in Hennepin County.

Signing the petition tells Hennepin County elected officials that you want local districts drawn impartially putting you ahead of any other interest —and not influenced by the majority party, major donors, or incumbents who want to gerrymander districts and pick their voters.

It is time to act! Sign the petition now and share it with others.

To: Hennepin County Elected Officials
From: [Your Name]

Minnesotans in Hennepin County deserve a fair local redistricting process with rules and tools that are voter-focused—not driven by major donors, incumbents, or parties who want to gerrymander local districts and pick their voters.

I support the work of Common Cause MN and the MN Alliance for Democracy, a nonpartisan statewide coalition working to ensure that our voting maps are drawn in a fair and open process with public input. Please give a higher priority to keeping communities of interest together over other principles that in effect protect incumbents, parties, or local special interests - like major donors.

Please provide the public with the opportunity to speak to proposed maps before they are formally adopted.