Tell Justice Thomas: Recuse yourself from Trump's case

Justice Clarence Thomas and the U.S. Supreme Court

An image of Justice Clarence Thomas, with text reading "Tell Justice Clarence Thomas: Recuse Yourself From Trump's Case"

Donald Trump is appealing his immunity case to the U.S. Supreme Court – effectively asking the high court to give him a “free pass” for any crimes he committed while in office.

This means that whether or not Trump can be held accountable for Jan. 6th will be up to the nine Justices of the Supreme Court – including Justice Clarence Thomas, despite his wife’s major role in Trump’s efforts to overturn American democracy itself.

This is a major, clear-cut conflict of interest for Justice Thomas, whose wife Ginni Thomas was involved at the highest levels in the Trump White House’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

Let’s be clear: The Supreme Court adopted a non-binding code of conduct for a reason – because last year, a series of scandals called Justice Thomas’s impartiality into question. If they want us to believe this code of conduct is worth more than the paper it’s written on, this is the time to do it!

Add your name to tell Justice Thomas he MUST recuse himself.

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Washington, DC

To: Justice Clarence Thomas and the U.S. Supreme Court
From: [Your Name]

If the Supreme Court wants the public to believe its new code of conduct is more than just a PR stunt, Justice Clarence Thomas MUST follow it and recuse himself from Trump’s immunity case.

Given the active role that his wife Ginni Thomas played in the Trump White House’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, he cannot be trusted to rule impartially in this case -- or anything else related to the January 6th attack.