Tell SCOTUS: Act quickly to SHUT DOWN Trump's immunity claims

U.S. Supreme Court

Donald Trump

Right now, Trump is pushing for EVERY possible delay of his criminal trials until after the election – and he was just successful in postponing his Florida and Georgia criminal trials. [1]

NO ONE, not even a former president, should be allowed to delay justice. Voters deserve to know the outcome of these criminal trials before we head to the polls this November. That’s why Common Cause took legal action urging SCOTUS to reject Trump’s attempts to delay his way out of legal accountability.

In the amicus brief we submitted to the Supreme Court, we urge the justices to issue a speedy REJECTION of the outrageous claims of absolute presidential immunity in the election subversion case – so that accountability is not postponed any longer. [2]

Polls consistently show that a strong majority of voters want Trump to stand trial before the November election – with many saying it will factor into their voting decision. [3] We simply can’t let Trump delay accountability for his actions any longer.

If you agree, add your name to tell SCOTUS to reject Trump’s absolute immunity argument quickly and definitively.


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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Supreme Court
From: [Your Name]

The Supreme Court must REJECT Trump’s absolute immunity argument quickly and definitively.

Voters deserve a full trial in Trump’s election subversion case before the November election. We urge SCOTUS to expedite this process -- just like it has for several other time-sensitive cases involving presidents.