Tell state legislators: Remain partnered with ERIC

State legislatures

Image of Ron DeSantis

What if I told you there is a simple way to keep every state’s voter rolls up to date, make our elections more secure, and help voters get accurate information – all while getting more people registered to vote?

Sounds great, right? ERIC – the Electronic Registration Information Center – is already used by 28 states and Washington, D.C. and is widely known as one of the best, most responsible ways for states to maintain their voter rolls.

But now, five states – at the behest of extremist politicians like Ron DeSantis – have just pulled out of ERIC completely. That’s right – after all the conspiracy theories about 2020, they’re actually making their state’s elections far less secure.

And with no explanation for how these states intend to maintain their voter lists without ERIC, some experts are worried that this could even open the door to de-register thousands of eligible voters!

ERIC is a proven way to help eligible voters stay informed and make sure voter lists are up to date. Add your name to condemn the decision to withdraw from ERIC and urge state legislatures to continue their participation in this important organization.

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Washington, DC

To: State legislatures
From: [Your Name]

ERIC is a proven and secure way to maintain voter rolls and help voters across the country. It's backed by voting experts and legislators – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – as the most responsible, reliable way to keep voter registration information up to date.

We're calling on states to stay in ERIC – and continue supporting this important organization.