Take Action to Shine a Light on Dark Money

Ohio General Assembly

Ohio has a shameful history of public corruption, a lot of it centering around the Statehouse and its relationship with utility companies. Once again, Ohio is center stage as Larry Householder, former Speaker of the Ohio House, is on trial for his part in the biggest bribery scandal in Ohio history.

We must take action now to tell our State Representatives and Senators to get behind legislation that will shine a light on dark money by creating better disclosure laws and greater transparency in lobbying.

Ohio desperately needs transparency and disclosure laws that will pull back the curtain on the dark money that is corrupting our government and robbing Ohioans blind. Enough is enough: It’s time to act!

Let’s use our collective voice to make sure lawmakers know it’s time to address public corruption and back-door deals. Tell them it’s time to pull back the curtains on our democracy, once and for all!

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To: Ohio General Assembly
From: [Your Name]

With Ohio in the news again for another massive bribery scandal, now is the time to shine a light on dark money and end our state’s shameful history of public corruption. We call on you to support legislation that will:
- Require political nonprofits and other corporate groups to disclose their donors and spending with the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office;
- Require the reporting of the true donors of political advertisements;
- Support greater transparency at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio;
- Give the public access to records at Ohio’s bill-writing agency, the Legislative Service Commission; and
- Create greater transparency in lobbying by reporting on any fundraising support provided to candidates.
Your action today can create a brighter future for our state.